Our Values
Brandhall Values in Support of our Vision Statement
Members of our school community have chosen the values above as part of Brandhall Primary's Vision Statement; we would like to encourage parents to talk to children about our Brandhall Values and find out how we are striving to achieve them.
Here are some examples of how we practise our values in school:
-Our first value of the academic school year is respect. Pupils took part in a values assembly and we asked them the question ‘what does respect look like in the classroom?’. The children shared lots of lovely ideas and wrote their answers on sticky notes. We are very proud of the response given.
-During the autumn 2 term, children were practising our value of compassion. They created baubles for the Christmas tree with their wishes on the back.
-We want all pupils to have a sense of belonging by being part of our Brandhall family, and strive to reach their ambitions by 'reaching for the stars'. Pupils created collages in the spring term to reflect these values.
-During the summer term, Year 3 were delving into our value of courage. They created a ‘Lion Collage’ made up of different ways they have each displayed courage in their lives.