Parents and Friends of Brandhall
A parent-led community with the aim of fundraising and organising school events
We would like to send a huge welcome to those visiting our PFoB page.
We are a group of parents from Brandhall Primary who are continuously raising vital funds for the benefit of the children and most importantly, organise community events which enables the children to have lots of fun in the process.
Our 'PFOB' has been running for some time but was recently revamped in September 2022 and since then, we have accomplished some great events with much more to come!
Below you can find all the up and coming events we have planned for the children, and the wider community– please do keep an eye on the website, our posters and the Brandhall Beat for more information closer to the dates of the events. We also have a 'Parents and Friends of Brandhall' Facebook page and our own display board in the foyer, where updates are regularly posted.
We are always looking for new input from parents/carers so if you would like to join us and get involved with our planning, idea making and event organising over a cup of coffee, please get in touch with us by contacting the office on 0121 422 5336 (or grab Rachael in the playground!). Any support is greatly appreciated.
Brandhall Solutions
Our pre-loved uniform bank has relocated to the Tots building and will be open every Tuesday from 2:30-3:45pm. Please pop in if we can help with any uniform requirements. Sizes start from 3 years of age and all are in great condition.
We now also have a non-perishable food pantry within our uniform bank.
If you would prefer a private shop, please contact Rachael via the school office. In the interim, if you require any further help, please do not hesitate to contact our Family Support Worker, Mr Moore.
Any donations are always greatly appreciated, including food and toiletries, school uniform, Christmas jumpers, coats, gloves etc. We kindly ask that any clothes donated are fully washed and ready to wear.
2024-25 Academic Year
December 2024:
- Our Christmas Fayre will be held in the school hall on the dates of our Parents Evenings (Wednesday 4th December until 5:30pm and Thursday 5th December until 7pm). Please enter school through the school hall for your appointment, and also take a look around the stalls. There will be a non-uniform day on Friday 29th November and we are kindly asking for chocolate donations on this date to help towards our tombola at the fayre.
- We will be holding a Christmas Quiz Night in December- keep your eyes peeled for more information!
September 2024:
2023-24 Academic Year
Summer 2024:
Thank you for all the donations towards our colour baskets, used to raffle off at the Summer Fayre. The 'Brandhall Bonkers Bar' raffle was also a huge success- the suspense of finding a golden ticket spread throughout school and children were eager to win some of the prizes on offer!
Spring 2024:
Planetarium Visit:
In September of this academic year, PFOB set a target of raising £1000 in order to hold something special for the children. By December 2023, this had been raised and a free planetarium experience has been booked for 1st March. All children will get to take part in a 45 minute session with their year group where they will learn about space through a presenter led session and immersive film.
For more information, please visit
Valentine's Disco:
Thank you to all pupils and parents that supported the Valentine's Disco, and for all the parent volunteers. We raised a brilliant total of £395 towards this year's goal.
Autumn 2023:
2022-23 Academic Year
Summer Fayre:
Our Summer Fayre helped raise a fantastic £549.38 towards the new reading/friendship benches out in the playground. We would like to say a huge thank you to volunteers on the day who's support was greatly appreciated. Also a huge thank you to stall holders, parents, pupils and teachers for visiting the fayre in support of our fundraising.Teddy Bears Picnic:
PFoB will be holding a free event W/C 15th May to say a huge thank you for all of the support from parents and pupils throughout the academic year.
Children can bring in a teddy bear on their event date below and will be taken out onto the field on the afternoon (weather permitting) for a picnic with cakes and goods provided by PFoB.
Please note, this event is for children only. No booking is required.
Monday 15th May- Year 1 and Mon-Wed AM/Full Time Nursery
Tuesday 16th May- Years 5 and 6
Wednesday 17th May- Years 3 and 4
Thursday 18th May- Year 2
Friday 19th May- Reception and Wed PM/Full Time Nursery
Easter Fete:
Come and join us after school or prior to/after your parent's evening appointment in the main school hall on Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd March to purchase refreshments and snacks such as cakes and samosas and visit stalls of local businesses selling some great items.
Valentine's Disco:
Thank you to all parents and pupils that supported our Valentine's Disco on 16th February. We hope children had a fabulous time, dancing their way into half term.
This event helped raise a fantastic £300.64 which will aid in the purchase of playground furniture.
Santa's Grotto:
The children got the chance to visit Santa in his beautifully decorated Grotto on the 14th and 16th December; children were given a present and had their picture taken with Santa.
Our mischievous elves sprinkled their festive spirit on the event and it was delightful to see the smiles on all of the children's faces.
Winter Fete:
Come and join us after school or prior to/after your parent's evening appointment in the main school hall to purchase refreshments and snacks such as cakes and samosas and visit stalls of local businesses selling some great items.Autumn Disco:
We are delighted to announce that we are having an autumn disco on Thursday 20th October. Tickets can be purchased on ParentPay at a cost of £1.50 per child and small change can be brought in to use at our tuck shop which will be selling items such as sweets, chocolates and mini cakes.
We hope the children have a wonderful time!

Macmillan Coffee Morning:
Our PFoB leant a helping hand to the Macmillan Coffee Morning on Friday 30th September. It was a joy to see so many of your faces and we thank you for all of the tasty cake donations, along with the funds raised for such a worthy cause.